


姓  名:王晗

1.  生物钟分子遗传和基因组调控机制

2.  生物钟对生殖和发育的影响

3.  生物钟进化的分子遗传和基因组机制

4.  视网膜,松果体,血液和心脏的发育遗传












曾主持美国国家卫生研究院(NIH),美国国家科学基金会(NSF),美国白宫基金会 (The Whitehall Foundation),和美国俄克拉荷马健康研究(OHRP)等研究基金项目,目前主持国家重大科学研究计划(973)项目、国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目研究任务团队、国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目等。在《自然 遗传学》 (Nature  Genetics),《发育》 (Development),《进化》(Evolution),和《分子进化》(Journal of Molecular Evolution) 等杂志发表40余篇学术论文。为Nature, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Gene, Genetica, PLoS Computational Biology, Molecular Vision, Zebrafish, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Differentiation, The Anatomical Record, Journal of Genetics and Genomics等杂志和英国The Wellcome Trust以及国家自然科学基金评审人。


J. Sun, F. Q. Fu, W.C. Gu, R.H. Yan, G. B.Zhang, Z. Y. Shen, Y.H.Zhou, H. Wang, B.R. Shen, X.G.Zhang. Origination of new immunological functions in the costimulatory molecule B7-H3: The role of exon duplication in evolution of the immune Ssystem. PLOS ONE e24751   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024751, 2011.

R. P. Hu, X. L. Gong, Y. M.  Duan, N. Li, Y. Che, Y. L. Cui, M. Zhou, C. Liu, H. Wang and F. S. Hong.  Neurotoxicological effects and the impairment of spatial recognition memory in mice caused by exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles. Biomaterials 31:8043-8050,2010.

Y. M. Duan, J. Liu, L.L Ma, N. Li, H.T. Liu, J. Wang, L. Zheng, C. Liu, X. F. Wang, X. Y. Zhao, J. Y. Yan, S. S. Wang, H. Wang, X. Y. Zhang and F.S. Hong. Toxicological characteristics of nanoparticulate anatase titanium dioxide in mice. Biomaterials 31:894-899,2010.

L.L. Ma, J. Liu, N. Li, J.Wang, Y .M. Duan, J.Y Yan., H. T. Liu, H. Wang and F.S. Hong. Oxidative stress in the brain of mice caused by translocated nanoparticulate TiO2 delivered to the abdominal cavity. Biomaterials 31:99-105,2010.

L. L. Ma,  J .F.  Zhao,  J. Wang , J. Liu, Y. M. Duan,  H.T. Liu, N. Li, J. Y. Yan, J. Ruan, H. Wang and F.S. Hong. The acute liver injury in mice caused by nano-anatase TiO2. Nanoscale Research Letters 4:1275–1285, 2009.

H. Wang*.Comparative genomic analysis of teleost fish bmal genes. Genetica 136:149-161,2009.

H. Wang*. Comparative analysis of period genes in teleost fish genomes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 67:29-40,2008.

H. Wang*. Comparative analysis of teleost fish genomes reveals preservation of different ancient clock duplicates in different fishes. Marine Genomics 1:69-78,2008.

H. Wang*, J. Kesinger, Q. Zhou, J. D. Wren, G. Martin, S. Turner. Y. Tang, B. Frank, and M. Centola. Identification and expression of zebrafish ocular formation genes. Genome 51:222-235,2008.

H. Wang*, Q. Zhou, J. Kesinger, C. Norris and Cammi Valdez. Heme regulates exocrine peptidase precursor genes in zebrafish. Experimental Biology and Medicine 232:1170-1180, 2007.  

H. Wang, E. M. Lee, S. Sperber, S. Lin, M. Ekker and Q. Long. Isolation and expression of zebrafish zinc-finger transcription factor gene tsh1. Gene Expression Patterns 7:318-322, 2007.      

A. E. Tucker, I. I. Salles, D. E. Voth, W. Ortiz-Leduc, H. Wang, I. Dozmorov, M. Centola and J. D. Ballard. Decreased glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta levels and related physiological changes in Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin-treated macrophages. Cellular Microbiology 5:523-532. (ISI times cited: 25) ,2003.

R. M. Young, S. Marty, Y. Nakano, H. Wang, D. Yamamoto, S. Lin, and M. L. Allende. Zebrafish yolk-specific not really started (nrs) gene is a vertebrate homolog of the Drosophila spinster gene and is essential for embryogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 223:298-305. 2002.

H. Wang, Q. Long, S. D. Marty, S. Sassa, and S. Lin. A zebrafish model for hepatoerythropoietic porphyria. Nature Genetics 20:239-243. (ISI times cited: 88), 1998.

Q. Long, A. Meng, H. Wang, J. R. Jessen, M. J. Farrell, and S. Lin. GATA-1 expression pattern can be recapitulated in living transgenic zebrafish using GFP reporter gene. Development 124:4105-4111  (ISI times cited: 225), 1997.

H. Wang*, E. D. McArthur, S. C. Sanderson, J. H. Graham, and D. C. Freeman. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). IV. Reciprocal transplant experiments. Evolution 51:95-102. (ISI times cited: 110), 1997.


美国韦恩州立大学Thomas C. Rumble Fellowship。

美国Marquis Who's Who in America, 56th edition。

美国Madison Who’s Who 2008。

美国科学促进会(AAAS), 生物节律研究会(SRBR),发育生物学会(SDB),进化研究会(SSE)和Sigma Xi科学研究会等会员。






1. 生物钟对斑马鱼胚胎的分子遗传和基因组调控机制。

2. 斑马鱼per1b无效突变体在分子,生理,行为和免疫等方面的调节作用。

3. 生物钟在生殖系统和胚胎发育中作用机制。

4. 生物钟在硬骨鱼大爆发中的调节作用。

5. 血红素对胰腺消化酶表达调控的分子遗传机制。

6. 生物钟对免疫系统的调节机制。、

7. 经济鱼类基因组学

8. 高通量药物筛选和药理  


2006-至今,Society for Research on Biological Rhythm,会员
